FFT Shenyang Won the Title of “Specialized and Sophisticated SME in Liaoning Province” in 2023

Release time:2024-01-16 15:25

The Department of Industry and Information Technology of Liaoning Province publicized the list of specialized and sophisticated SMEs in Liaoning Province on January 15, 2024. Recommended by the Shenyang Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and evaluated by the Expert Panel, FFT (Shenyang) Automation Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “FFT Shenyang”) officially passed the identification process and was awarded the title of “Specialized and Sophisticated SME in Liaoning Province” in 2023.




各市工業(yè)和信息化局,沈撫示范區(qū)產(chǎn)業(yè)創(chuàng)新局,各有關(guān)單位: 按照《優(yōu)質(zhì)中小企業(yè)梯度培育管理暫行辦法》《遼寧省優(yōu)質(zhì) 中小企業(yè)梯度培育管理實(shí)施細(xì)則》要求,根據(jù)《關(guān)于做好2023 年度第二批遼寧省專精特新中小企業(yè)和下半年創(chuàng)新型中小企業(yè) 培育工作的通知》(遼工信明電〔202349號),經(jīng)企業(yè)申報、各市推薦、專家評審、官網(wǎng)公示等程序,確定遼寧省專精特新中小 企業(yè)2023年度第二批)和通過復(fù)核的2020年度遼寧省專精特新中小企業(yè)、"小巨人等企業(yè)名單。現(xiàn)將有關(guān)事項(xiàng)通知如下:


Specialized and sophisticated SMEs are small and medium-sized enterprises characterized by their specialized, sophisticated, unique, and innovative capabilities. Winning the recognition marks another milestone for FFT Shenyang, following the title of “High-Tech Enterprise.” This not only affirms FFT Shenyang’s continuous innovation ability in the field of industrial automation but also acknowledges its professional, refined development strategy and future potential.

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